Himeros et Pothos

IconHarlequin Romances are dime books that you can buy in train stations for 5 pesos.. which actually defeats the purpose of them being dime books.. anyway yeah you get these books for 5 pesos in divisoria with absolutely ABSURD stories of unrealistic romance, that said, these are my harlequin romances.

Get to know yourself better

Get to know yourself better

Your view on yourself:
You are intelligent, honest and sweet. You are friendly to everybody and don't like conflict. Because you're so cheerful and fun people are naturally attracted to you and like to talk to you.

The type of girlfriend/boyfriend you are looking for:
You are not looking merely for a girl/boyfriend - you are looking for your life partner. Perhaps you should be more open-minded about who you spend time with. The person you are looking for might hide their charm under their exterior.

Your readiness to commit to a relationship:
You are ready to commit as soon as you meet the right person. And you believe you will pretty much know as soon as you might that person.

The seriousness of your love:
You have very sensible tactics when approaching the opposite sex. In many ways people find your straightforwardness attractive, so you will find yourself with plenty of dates.

Your views on education
Education is very important in life. You want to study hard and learn as much as you can.

The right job for you:
You're a practical person and will choose a secure job with a steady income. Knowing what you like to do is important. Find a regular job doing just that and you'll be set for life.

How do you view success:
You are afraid of failure and scared to have a go at the career you would like to have in case you don't succeed. Don't give up when you haven't yet even started! Be courageous.

What are you most afraid of:
You are afraid of things that you cannot control. Sometimes you show your anger to cover up how you feel.

Who is your true self:
You like privacy very much because you enjoy spending time with your own thoughts. You like to disappear when you cannot find solutions to your own problems, but you would feel better if you learned to share your thoughts with a person you trust.

took this quiz in http://www.quizbox.com/personality/test82.aspx


Explosions in the Sky

this is a beautiful playlist that I found on imeem.com :)



i feel so dull. i feel so blunt. i have that feeling that you get after vomitting. its this empty grnugy feeling of something else. i dont know how to explain it. i just don't know. I've been in so much pain recently. it's getting too hard to hide it anymore. i can't do this i dont know what to do. i dont know.


122707 New Year's Resolution

The new year is almost here. I am thankful for the many things that have happened to me so far this year. I celebrate a lot of things that have happened and I regret a few. Nevertheless I believe that without any of these experiences, I would not have learned what I know now. I believe that maybe these things have happened to me for a reason. This year, I grew up more than I could ever believe I could. I managed to handle so many emotionally draining situations than a normal 17 year old should be put up bear. I thank God that he has given me the strength to face my fears and to come out a changed person. I hope that I still have this strength - and more if need be - for the years to come. I know that there are so many things that are just waiting to happen. I pray that I have the strength and the wisdom to handle them. I believe I can, I think I can. I can't wait for 2008. So, for the sake of tradition, I have made a few resolutions and a few things I would like to keep with me for the new year:

-Faith in myself
-MORE patience
-i want to have more strength to handle situations I might not be able to
-i want to be more ambitious
-i want to be more determined

iono. this list is just a few off the top of my head. I think I'll be adding a lot more before december 31.


Christmas Wishlist

1. A shirt with my face on it VAL and PAM i thank you in advance :)
2. Tech pens or whatever. something to draw with.
3. A new pair of pants
4. new boxers
5. The acer laptop that's always being advertised in the caftv thing. OPALESQUE man.
6. new silk screen shit JOSH :D thank you hahahaha
7. SUSHI! like a boatload.
8. DARK chocolate. like a boatload.
9. someone to fill up my Starbucks planner :D GALVEZ thank you! :D
10. gift checks to buy a shitload of books in Powerbooks
11. New heels
12. gift check worth P5000 (five thousand) to Wham! the burger joint
13. A new sketchpad
14. a really TIGHT hug
15. a backrub
16. something MORE out of this
17. a car
18. new hair
19. new eyeliner
20. a new face.

basically anything superficial and joy-giving. i dont want to say all I want is Happiness. or love. or peace. fuck that. give me something REAL. haha! ha.


My Week So Far

It's been a week since me and Jed were kind of iffy with each other. So far, we're doing pretty well, we could do better. and i'm trying to make it up to him. I'm thankful he gave me another chance. I feel lucky to have him despite what other people advising against me being with him. i ♥ him so much :)

Ibiza was a complete SUCCESS! :)


[no title]

Lying by omission is as bad as the act of lying itself. I always thought that some things were better left unsaid and I have come to realize that yeah, maybe what I have believed in, since like forever, is true.

I don't know. When I think about everything, i should have been honest from the very start. Now, I'm paying for the consequences of my stupidity. Jed and I are in trouble. Jedi and Asia. My Jed hates me now. I didn't even mean to hurt him. I did not mean to hurt myself. I felt so cheap and stupid. What could I do? I always used to think that every individual was entitled to their own fair share of secrets. Jed and I are on thin ice. I don't know what to do, I lied by ommision. Turns out, when you have a serious relationship with someone it also means that all those secrets you used to keep should be brought out in the open at the very beginning. I shouldn't have let all those skeletons rot for this long. I did this because I thought I learned. Maybe this is what I have learned from my ex. Before Jiggy, I always thought that honesty was the most important thing in a relationship. After we broke up, something between me and another boy happened. A few weeks later, Jiggy called wanting to fix our relationship and I told him everything. He took back everything he said about getting back together. Everything went to hell after that. So much for honesty. So I decided, maybe some things really were better left unsaid.

THAT WAS MY BIGGEST MISTAKE. I should have trusted Jed's judgment enough. But I didn't. I dont know what I'm going to do to keep him. What should I do? I won't be able to live with myself. I can't just let this person go. I can't just let Jed go. I remember reading something in a book, it went "if you have found what makes you feel happiest then you should go against all odds to keep it." or something like that. I intend to keep fighting. This whole entry sounds so melodramatic but I don't know what else to do. I can't vent because I don't want to put him through another stupid Asia rant because I totally understand why he wants to leave me. I lied twice. But I admitted to those lies eventually. And I thought, isn't that what matters? The eventuality of my confession was inevitable but he thinks that what I did, what we had for the past 7-8 months was wasted because the foundation of trust I built our relationship on was destroyed by me. I had 7 months to tell him everything that happend before we became a couple, before we started seeing each other exclusively. I blew it. But the thing is, I lied about 2 things I intended to bring with me to the grave. things before anything really happened between me and him. I didn't know that he could bring out that confession in me. It was more than just things that had happened before I met him, it was about my integrity, how i saw myself as a girl that could have said "no" that could have exercised better judgment. What I feel for him is so different from what I have ever felt before. He may think he's not doing me any good, and he also thinks I'm not doing him any good anymore. He was trying to be a better person for me and I totally blew it. The truth is, I have now come to realize is that he makes me a better person. I have never realized my real worth before he came. I dont want to lose him. I suffer from low self-esteem that makes me fall victim to the consequences of any indicator of interest in me. And I suffer because I lie to much. A skill that I have come to realize is as useful as it is destructive. I can't lose him. But what do you do with something that has the intent to be lost? I know he loves me, I love him. I love him and I don't want to lose him. I mean I lied about two things, and now he thinks that I lie about everything. I know in my heart that I have never done anything in the duration of our being together that merits the term infidelity, disloyalty or dishonesty. What do I do now? I am so completely at a loss for words to describe the gravity of the emptiness I feel. I lied about two things. Two things that completely devoid any truth I say about anything else I ever say again. He will never trust me again, but I want to help him trust me again because I love him and I know he loves me too. I also believe that what we had was a good thing. In fact it was the best thing I have ever had.

Jed I love you.


[no title]

you frustrate me so much.


My Lit Homework : A Truthful Poem Is...

A Truthful Poem Is

The process of writing is no complicated science. I believe that a poem that is a poem should be just a poem and that is all.

Writing, in its entirety, should not be limited to “rules” that have been drawn by robed men that are accustomed to sodomizing their students. I am not saying, however, that these men are less respectable, credit should be given to whom it is due. I do, however, believe that a person's style of writing should not be limited to tradition. The context of a writer's work should not be limited to just the context of the society he or she is living in, but it should be a well-written, sincere attempt of expression. It does not have to have been a product of an epiphany nor should it be required to be useful and instructional. A poem should be beautiful on its own. If in case it is not a very well-written poem (who are we to judge how well-written a poem is?) then it is a poem that is beautiful in its being. A poem should not attempt to speak out yet fail to say what it wants to, it should be subtly blatant in such a way that it's whole meaning simply IS. “A poem should be palpable and mute / as a globed fruit // dumb as old medallions to the thumb, // silent as the sleeve-worn stone/of casement ledges where the moss has grown//” A poem is still a poem even if it serves no obvious purpose because a poem's only purpose is to be itself. It is and it is not a celebration of mundaneness and fascination. “A poem should be motionless in time/ as the moon climbs//” I believe in Ars Poetica by Archibald MacLeish. I believe that a poem, no matter how complicated it may seem, is truly simple if the emotions of the poem are absorbed by the reader. However, not all poems are emotional and dramatic. In this case, these poems may express opinions, political ideologies, exposition of injustices and such. These are truths that need not be dramatized for the sake of its dramatization, it shouldn't have to have a purpose outside of itself, but a purpose for its own being only is purpose enough already.

A poem is what it should be and it shouldn't be anything but a poem. “A poem should not mean/But be.//”*

*italicized lines are from the poem “Ars Poetica” by Archibald MacLeish

Natasia Noble


My Week So Far

I blog (ibiza) because I'd like to think that A) there are in fact still a few people interested in reading about what's been going on with me and B)that my blogs waste your time. HA! i have stolen your time. LABO. My SUPERWEEK started with my SUPERWEEKEND on FRIDAY, jed's birthday. We hung out here in merville (ibiza) doing absolutely nothing and looking like fools. saturday was with Pam, Nine, Kikay, Caloy, Bea + my brother. Same night as Jed's beerday bash. got super hammerrrrrrrred. hammered with BEER not nailed! okay?

okay. okay. MONDAY SAW ALL MY LOVES AGAIN! ♥ Saw the yellow man. GOLD
pala I mean. beautiful. this is the golden boy:

Jed got the itching to watch
Hitman, went to Groinbelt to learn that Hitman does not (ibiza)show till the 21st of this month. very nice of him to check in advance. we ended up watching beowulf. THEY SHOWED JOLIE'S NIPPLE!! in the end. hahaha it was funny because, well I'm weird that way. the graphics were woooooooow. Rothgar's (anthony hopkin's) nosehair looked so reallll!! it made me feel sorry for the Enteng Kabisote. which i plan to actually go see one of these days. THURSDAY i waited for my carpool that was supposed to pick me up at 5 but i ended up waiting with Iya and Ansel until 8! 8!!!! I was out by 2. Then today, FUR-eye-day, supposed to go to the dentist but it got cancelled so me and Jed went to Gringo-belt (ibiza)again and watched SupahBAHD. superbad. super. it was okay. the heavy dude with the tits did not really look like he was still in high school. It was a fun fun fun day! FUN WEEK :)
Which brings me to my next thought, this week was sooooo (ibiza) nice I bet that something bad's gonna happen to me soon. That's usually the case for me. I have rotten luck, you see. NOW tomooooorrrroooooow I dont know what to do.


This is a nice poem I found ♥

If It Should

And if it should happen
that one day you play our song
when I am not there
know that I will hear it
because you are hearing it.
Know that I will not
turn my ears from you
when my chimes ring-
they are yours.
Know that I find instances of you
in distant songs
faint music
old books.
Know that I hear you when I drink
your soft voice
your brush of hair
your tongue full of eden.
And if it should happen
that one day I play our song
when you are not there
know that I will listen for you
as wind listens for doves.

© May 2007 — Michael Gravel


Jed's Birthday

Today was really fun :) After jogging hahaha I spent the morning with Jed. We hung out and had breakfast in FoodBox. It was great being with him and waking up that early. I got to bed around 2 am the night before so I was kind of buggy when I had to wake up. The sheets were so perfectly inviting I was actually tempted to just lay there and forget about the whole plan and maybe make him come straight to the house instead. But we went ahead as planned and then walked around a few. I've never been so comfortable with anyone my whole life. I mean yeah I can get a little grungy with other people but Iono, I didn't even take a shower [MUY GROSS] and i didn't bother shaving my legs. [it's like I'm building a forcefield to repel members of the opposite sex now] I just love spending time with him. I can be myself around him,and I think he feels the same way too. I'm glad :) He's such a sweet boy and I love him. I just wish we could have spent the whole day together instead of just the whole morning. Now, I sound clingy. It really is important to have the ability of being totally comfortable around someone you're dating. I mean there are levels of comfort that we're automatically placed in depending on the type of person you're dating. I've comiled the following list, to be edited as soon as I feel like it, which is not any time soon.

Here they are in increasing order based on the subject matter you are able to discuss with them:
-People you can talk to about other people picking on you or backstabbing you, your problems in school like grades and stuff
-People you talk to about your younger brother/sister being annoying
-People you talk to about deep family shit like vacations and why you they wont let you have your own car
-people you talk to about the hurtful things your parents say to you when they get upset with you
-people you talk to about your past heartbreaks
-people you talk to about your past experience.. you know that kind of experience. SEX.
-people you talk to about all your insecurities, your deepest fears, your problems
-people like JED :)

yeah i know, cheesy post. :p


Man I Love

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket


Forgiving and Forgetting

Stories from Ancient China: Being Forgiving, Benevolent and Disregarding Other's Mistakes

Han Qi was the Duke of Weiguo and a prime minister during the Song Dynasty of ancient China. One day, while he was leading an army in Ding Wu, he was writing a letter and asked one of his guards to hold a candle so that he could see what he was doing. The guard wasn't careful with the candle and set Han Qi's hair on fire. Han Qi quickly wiped out the flame with his sleeve and continued to write as if nothing had happened. After a while, he noticed that the original guard had been replaced. Han Qi was afraid that the original guard was going to be punished. So he hurriedly told the supervising guard, "Don't replace him. Bring him back. He has already learnt how to hold a candle properly." Everyone in the army greatly admired Han Qi.

When Han Qi was guarding the Da Ming Palace, someone presented him with two precious jade cups and told him, "A farmer found them in a grave, they're flawless in their beauty. They are truly unmatched treasures." Han Qi gave the presenter some platinum to thank him. He loved the cups very much. Whenever he invited guests to a banquet, the two jade cups were always placed on a specially set table covered with silk.

One day, an official in charge of water transportation was invited to attend his banquet. The two cups were brought out. But a guard was careless and knocked them over. Both of the cups were broken. All the guests were aghast and the guard knelt down waiting to be punished severely. Han Qi remained calm and smiled to the guests, remarking "Everything is predestined." He then said to the guard: "You slipped and didn't do it on purpose. How can it be your fault?" All the guests praised Han Qi and admired his great tolerance.


Are You Having Trouble Forgiving Someone?

By Tim Connor

Why is it so hard for people to forgive.

In every relationship each partner will from time to time behave in such a manner that their partner will have the opportunity to forgive them or hold on to the blame, resentment, anger or disappointment.

The willingness to forgive is an important ingredient all successful, peaceful, happy and positive relationships. The ability to forgive will be a useful tool in your relationship if it is used in a timely and effective way. It can be a negative one if used as a manipulation device to get your partner to relent, beg, plead or grovel for your willingness to let go of the hurt, pain or frustration.

Forgiveness is not about letting the other person off the hook for their transgressions or mistakes. Its primary function and value is to let you off the hook from the damaging consequences of carrying around allot of suppressed negative feelings.

So lets talk about what forgiveness is, what it isn't and how to learn to use this powerful relationship device.

Forgiveness is many things but it is most of all: One, A letting go of the responsibility for the actions, feelings and behavior of your partner. Two, It is taking the power back in your life for your own feelings, attitudes and behavior. Three, It is freeing yourself from the negative emotions connected with the other persons behavior.

Why does it feel so painful when we are hurt by our partner's behavior, actions or words? We feel betrayed, let down, afraid, insecure, out of control, compromised. stupid, victimized and disappointed .

Since many of the reactions and emotions when we are hurt by our partner are negative why do they do the things that cause our pain or anger. First of all they don't do the things to us they just do them. Second they do them for any number of other reasons such as: they are human, they are unskilled at relationship issues, they have their own stuff that they are dealing with in their own consciousness, they don't think, they think we deserve it, they set us up, they don't know they are hurting us, they hurt us for our own good, they hurt us as a result of spill-overs from their own life issues, they hurt us because they don't care and they hurt us because they are on their own path learning the lessons in life that are theirs to learn.

You must remember that one of the reasons your partner is in your life is that they are a mirror for you. You brought them into your life to help you learn more about your self and the lessons you must deal with while on your path to wholeness.

There are many things that get in the way of forgiveness. Some of the more common elements are; ego, stress, poor communication skills, a lack of vulnerability or realness, a lack of honest self disclosure, an attitude that they are right, a desire to not be seen as soft or weak, especially in men, fear and stubbornness.

What about the ultimate benefits of forgiveness. This is the real purpose of forgiveness, to release all the pent up emotions or feelings that will ultimately contribute to poor health if you elect to hang on to them long enough.

The benefits are the release of negative energy, a clearing of the air, it opens the gate to intimacy, you become free of the past, you can move forward in the relationship and you will experience increased trust and security.

The costs of an unwillingness to forgive I am sure are obvious but for the record they are, poor health, emotional distance, broken relationships, stress, frustration and guarded or closed communication and unfinished business.

I have often been asked in my seminar on relationships two vital questions. First, is it possible to forgive someone that you will never see again either because of physical distance or death?

The answer is yes. They may or may not be aware of your forgiveness but remember its primary function is for you not them. The second question I am often asked is are their limits to what you should forgive? The question is no. Forgiveness is not forgetting.

An example I have used is that in a former life I did (according to my partner) a number of things that in her opinion were criteria for divorce. I have asked a number of people if I had done those things to them would they have asked for a divorce. The answer was always no, but that is not my point. If I were to call my former wife to forgive her for her behavior during our separation I am confident her attitude would be that she didn't do anything that required my forgiveness. So here I am I need to release all of this stuff, but I can send it to her without her rejection. Does that mean I am doomed to carry all of this stuff with me to my grave? NO. I sent her my love, light and my forgiveness out into the universe. I released all of my anger, pain and grief. She may or may not be aware of it but I am. And that is all that matters.

One area that we have not touched on so far which is by far the most critical element in forgiveness is the ability to forgive yourself.

Look at your own life in retrospect. What un-forgiveness are you carrying around in your mind that needs to be released. I will bet that you are either consciously or unconsciously punishing yourself for any number of words spoken or not spoken, deeds done or not done, mistakes, failures and behavior that you should have had or not had.

You need to let go of all of this negative baggage about yourself for all the same reasons you need to do it for another person.

There are four stages of forgiveness. The hurting stage, the hating stage, the healing stage and the coming together. Everyone spends a different amount of time in each stage. Everyone experiences and expresses themselves differently while in each stage. The key is to recognize that they exist and to be aware of your behavior while in each stage.

There are a few steps that you can follow to speed up the forgiveness process. They are;

One, learn to see the divinity in your partner. Two, recognize that they are not their behavior. They are so much more than the transgression, words or mistakes. Three, Know that most people are doing the best that they can with what they have at the time. Four, Practice forgiveness in little things before you tackle a biggie. Five, Is this person or situation worth getting sick over. Six, the mind can't hold love and hate in it at the same time, it can't hold un-forgiveness and acceptance in it at the same time. So choose your actions.

You and I are responsible to our partners but not for them. We are responsible for ourselves in the relationship but not their behavior or feelings. We are not responsible to but for. Subtle difference in definition but major difference in attitude or philosophy.

Tim Connor

so how can my mistake of not telling you the truth be my fault? yeah i know. stupid question. but still, what's done is done, right? you can't unbreak a cup, you just have to move on.


My Lit Paper thing

The Company of Wolves by Angela Carter

There is no place I know that compares to pure imagination” – Willy Wonka

The short story starts out in a grave tone, with descriptions of the violent nature and tendencies of men, wolves, and werewolves. Mid-story the author takes pains in trying to lighten the mood with a description of the setting in an almost Disney-like manner: “It is midwinter and the robin, friend of man, sits on the handle of the gardener's spade and sings.“ It is something of a trap for the readers to get them into this mood, making them expect something light and happy after such a dark introduction.

There are a lot of symbols used to represent the young girl's innocence and virginity. The shawl represented her barrier of womanhood, when she cast it off, it was a show of acceptance of her fate, her submission into womanhood. She knew what she had to do, and she knew that to cast off that shawl that protected her, a gift made by her grandmother, it meant that she had to cast away her parent's protection and step up to the world's inevitable call of corruption. The second paragraph does not fail to forewarn the reader of the coming events. “Children do not stay young for long in this savage country.” The story is sort of a coming-of-age story because it shows the development of the young girl and the final climactic ending of her implied conjugal with the wolf. “See! Sweet and sound she sleeps in granny's bed, between the paws of the tender wolf.”

This story is close to my heart because I am very fond of stories that twist the fairy tales we were used to hearing as children. I remember reading the original unabridged version of the Grimm's fairytale, Cinderella, when I was about 9 or 10. It shattered every Disney dream I ever had. This story is quite similar to Neil Gaiman's version of Snow White, Snow, Glass and Apples. Angela Carter twisted the traditional Little Red Riding Hood story to something a bit more sexual and risque. Before it was mentioned that a student already did a paper on this story, I made my mind up that I would do mine on this too. I use my advantage as a woman to sweetly and sometimes flirtatiously acquire things I may want at the moment, basketball tickets, car rides, lunches... Isn't it but natural for women to use what we possess for our own benefit? This is a use-it-or-lose-it world. Men have used (and abused) their physical “advantage” over us ever since time immemorial. I believe it only natural for young red (the young girl in the story) to have used her sexuality to tame the wolf. It is not only that she had to tame him but then it was also mentioned that she found him far more attractive than most of the men in her village; she was killing two birds with one stone. If men can pursue their phallic objectives then, shouldn't females be able to do the same?

Fairy tales aren’t as pretty as you think. The seduction of the whole idea behind traditional fairy tales lies in the development of the main characters, but alternative stories seduce their readers by showing how the main characters, initially believed innocent, are corrupted by the ways of the world. This shows how cruel we are all inherently. Well, I, for one, believe we all have a little cruel side. We may not admit it but is there. It is the little voice in us that compels us to watch a burning building, some people brawling, public beatings and stone-throwings (not the literal kind). I am sure almost everybody has had the urge to burn an ant with a magnifying glass, pull off a fly’s wings and even have thoughts of your least favorite person choking on her lite-n-chicken salad during a class discussion. We see the embodiment of our cruelty in stories like this.

We are the machines of our own destruction and so, since society’s norms prevent us from realizing these things we subconsciously fantasize about, we see them embodied or put into pictures when we read stories like this. We cause our own deaths. We caused global warming and we helped spread AIDS. I don't mean we directly caused our own deaths, I mean humanity in general. We are all, in the broadest sense, twisted in a way because we enjoy reading about the sacrificing of a young girl’s virginity to a hairy and very well-endowed wolf. Similar to Snow, Glass and Apples but less grotesque and sexually a little more subtle, Company of Wolves is a trap that baits and hooks the reader effectively capturing his or her trust in the beauty that is made to look waiting in the end, and tramples that trust with a subtle transition such that what is happening won’t dawn on the reader until the final betrayal has happened, in this case, the corruption of Little Red Riding Hood.

We see, in movies we watch, stories we read, the realization of our suppressed fears and fantasies. In the early 1930’s there was even a man that put forth a theory that addressed what I just mentioned earlier for a theatre aptly named, The Theatre of Cruelty. The whole purpose of this theatre was to shock audiences in an effort to wake their anxieties that have been buried in the darkest corners if their mind by minimizing the text and exaggerating the available violence and perverseness.1

I do believe that we are all inherently good but I also believe in the duality of the human nature. Good and bad traits can very truly co-exist in one and the same person. This is why I believe that a complete innocent can go about her day doing good deeds and come home to kick the cat out of the way, so to speak. This is how child molesters live. They put up fronts and have totally respectable jobs: jobs that can earn the trust of their victims. After which, they develop a friendship with their intended and then BAM! You've got a raped baby. I digress. Anyway, the duality of humanity is wonderful. Women, I believe, can handle this the best. As seen in the story, The Company of Wolves, the woman-child handles the situation of violence with tenderness. She knew that in order to help herself she had to integrate 2 singular sides of herself: she had to use her body as both an object and a weapon. Many feminists will not agree with her blatant exploitation of her body. But, she used her body as bait for the beast and as a key to empowering herself. To answer the question posed during one beauty contest a year or two ago, this is the essence of being a woman – maximizing and integrating the feuding dualities and contradictions of her personality.

Tying everything in, in conclusion, therefore, ergo, at the end of the day, in simplest terms, creaming the cake, topping off the coffee with a bit of rum, loosening the noose, in layman’s terms: humans subconsciously have tendencies of cruelty and grace.

1 During the early 1930s, the French dramatist and actor Antonin Artaud put forth a theory for a Surrealist theatre called the Theatre of Cruelty. Based on ritual and fantasy, this form of theatre launches an attack on the spectators' subconscious in an attempt to release deep-rooted fears and anxieties that are normally suppressed, forcing people to view themselves and their natures without the shield of civilization. In order to shock the audience and thus evoke the necessary response, the extremes of human nature (often madness and perversion) are graphically portrayed on stage.” Directly quoted from Britannica Online Encyclopedia (http://www.britannica.com/eb/article-42220/Western-theatre#306080.hook) retrieved October 1, 2007


Lo Down

My life in a nutshell:

I am now studying in the Ateneo, majoring in European Studies. I really wanna learn Italian and German. I've been teaching myself the basics lately. I'm with this great guy right now and I really do believe I love him. Half a year since we've met and so far so good. I still have my two bestfriends, Pam and Valeen with me. Pam's taking up nursing and Valeen's a star now. Where am I left now? I am the star of my own little egotistical universe. So far I haven't really figured out what to do with my life, except maybe learn and do all the things I've always wanted to. I can't wait to graduate and feel what life really is like. 17 years gone and I think I'm doing pretty well for the first 5th of my life. Hear hear to the future!


Welcome Ghosts

Welcome Ghosts


Lift your head pretty one. Close your eyes

Do you feel the dew on your eyelids the mist on your lips?

Part your pretty lips pretty one

Let me taste your pretty little mouth little one

Open your eyes little one : This is the sunrise

The sunrise in seas in traffic

Behind the conglomerate towers of dew and dreams

Lift your head little one

This is my love

This is my life little one

You are my life little one

You in the dice in the parking lot in the field of my arms

I wrote this while listening to Welcome Ghosts by Explosions in the Sky. Great music right there.


Double E's

She had a cat and that was the least of it. She had towels – not the terry cloth kind – she had towels of the grainy kind; the ones that scratch your face if you rubbed too hard and too fast. She was used to the towels she had though. Apparently her bulls were also quite used to her lean, long, slender... towels. “towels are towels” they would say. They never really cared if her towels were rough, in fact, they quite liked it. They actually loved it when she would wrap her towels around their muscular broadsides. They did not mind if she smoked a pre-coital cigarette while osculating with them. The white stick hanging limply in the side of her mouth would sometimes burn them when they got too rough. She was the divine Zeus to Europa. Her cat had much to say about that. “How could you say it was 'like throwing a hotdog down a hallway' when you're still on it then, love?” Her cat was a hefty one and it would often resemble a camel's hard stepping pad on her gym days. Her name was Minora. The woman's name was Minora. (was is because she died). Her cat's name was Marjorie and it was a dyed Marmalade. They had a lab, yeah. No one understood the word play. But her towels, oh. When they weren't grainy or rough they could be smooth as silk like a lazy drawl or a mouthful of honey. On her active days, Minora could contract. She could shrink so tightly small that everyone [all the men at least] would go, “Oh this innocent! Miss, wog, eh? MIZUAGE!” They would always scream her name. The bulls would scream her name. But often her name changed. Sometimes she'd be Suzie, Lip or Glandale. Karen, Bev or Rugth. Rught, Rugth... oh she did not have one of those. Her towelette was smooth. She had failed to grow one in her glen of delights. Whenever she was cowed by her bulls, yes, they were hers, her shoulders sloped ever so womanly and it resembled forever rolling hills. But her hills were not hills. They were abundant with life and they glowed with pride. Only her hills could have expressed such pride as she would puff up her horizon. The noon sun would leave shadows that could devour her bipads. The pot in which she manufactured those organics to chemical energy so she could move about was also a sight worthy of odes. Rising and falling for each breath – it had a button. This button was neither here nor there but it was there. Right there, easily missed. And you just did! Oh what a shame. Her HEAD! She had gaping optics that could turn a man to stone and his stones to wood. Each flutter of those flaps of fleshy skin on the frillies of her optics could cause a hurricane in China all the way from where she stood which was here and there and San Francisco. Those two caterpillars carefully shaped caterpillars above her optics rose and fell in joy, surprise or bad weather. It was said she was the most beautiful personification of whatever could be cowed by a bull in a bright green and orange pasture.




i am a girl.
i have 5 fingers on my left hand and 5 more on the other
i have 10 toes
i have breasts and a butt
i have a full head of gorgeous hair
i have eyes

i am.


Pam asking about heroes. IM SPOILING THE EPISODE 20 :D

Asia Noble: i dont care im not saying squat
Pam: since Sylar was trying to kill Peter sa 18. i guess na he's the one who's gonna "die"
Pam: then whoever helps out.
Pam: hiro?!
Pam: isaac?!
Pam: uh....
Pam: nathan?!
Pam: claire?!
Asia Noble: hahahahahahahahah ;lahat sila! pati narin si Meredith
Pam: aaaaaaaaah!
Asia Noble: at si McDreamy
Pam: GAGA!
Asia Noble: tsaka ung sa House magcacameo
Pam: they left new york diba?!
Asia Noble: tapos may sing along
Asia Noble: parang kay Buffy
Asia Noble: oo tapos they went to the Philippines
Asia Noble: may war sa Phils.
Asia Noble: sumali lahat ng heroes
Asia Noble: nadiscover kasi na nandito ung ANSWER
Asia Noble: sa lahat
Pam: kainis ka!
Asia Noble: so lahat sila nagjoin forces
Asia Noble: kasma ng justice league
Pam: kung lahat sila joined forces na, what happens?
Pam: shitty, asia. shitty.
Asia Noble: yes tapos may new world order led by....
Asia Noble: *drum roll please*
Asia Noble: PROSPERO PICHAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Pam: :))
Asia Noble: joker arroyo
Asia Noble: joker arroyo
Asia Noble: pag bad ka lagot ka!
Pam: lagot ka asia!



doo doo

so one ex called the other night. that freak. acting drunk does not make you look cool. especially if you can't act. you are such a dork. it makes me wonder what the hell i saw in you in the first place. psh.


do you know what feels good?

scratch that. do you know what feels GREAT? do YOU know what FEELS AWESOME?

this will definitely sound really bitter but, man it feels great. i swear. haha

The feeling of being with someone as great as HIM felt only better when i found out my exes have been dating total spazzes. ex number 2 is going out with a broomstick. and is actually trying to hook up with girls that say "poh" and use "..." alot. like this

girl: "hUh?...... mer0n...............akong ym...... bkt p0h?"

hahaha HILARIOUS. this feels great.

i mean its not that i delight in other people's misery, but i do. I most definitely do.


i just cant get over it. i am so happy :))



i am autistic. i am sooooooo drowned in my my own little universe inside my head. summer summer. I want some taco bell yeah. hay. games later. iono. im soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOORED



okay now im with jed. i dont know if im with with or just with him. i love you jed. haha just a couple of hours ago some fool called to say i won 1,000 bananas that would be delivered at 9 pm sharp and a free house renovation. amazing.