Himeros et Pothos

IconHarlequin Romances are dime books that you can buy in train stations for 5 pesos.. which actually defeats the purpose of them being dime books.. anyway yeah you get these books for 5 pesos in divisoria with absolutely ABSURD stories of unrealistic romance, that said, these are my harlequin romances.

122707 New Year's Resolution

The new year is almost here. I am thankful for the many things that have happened to me so far this year. I celebrate a lot of things that have happened and I regret a few. Nevertheless I believe that without any of these experiences, I would not have learned what I know now. I believe that maybe these things have happened to me for a reason. This year, I grew up more than I could ever believe I could. I managed to handle so many emotionally draining situations than a normal 17 year old should be put up bear. I thank God that he has given me the strength to face my fears and to come out a changed person. I hope that I still have this strength - and more if need be - for the years to come. I know that there are so many things that are just waiting to happen. I pray that I have the strength and the wisdom to handle them. I believe I can, I think I can. I can't wait for 2008. So, for the sake of tradition, I have made a few resolutions and a few things I would like to keep with me for the new year:

-Faith in myself
-MORE patience
-i want to have more strength to handle situations I might not be able to
-i want to be more ambitious
-i want to be more determined

iono. this list is just a few off the top of my head. I think I'll be adding a lot more before december 31.


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